Individual Entry

Pivot-al Moments.

I originally installed Pivot as a favor to another OpenVMS user (Aaron Sakovich) to test its operations with the latest release of SWS (Apache) and PHP for OpenVMS. I'd never thought about blogging but, since I'd already gone through all the effort to install and test Pivot, I figured, why not? I searched trough some of the Pivot templates and themes and I didn't find any a really liked. However, I did come across one that I thought I wouldn't mind using until I was able to devise my own theme.

I've spent a considerable amount of time modifying the basics of the theme I've downloaded. Thanks to things like GIMP and, moreso, ImageMagick, I've been able to add things such as color selections and different header graphic selections. It's definitely a work in progress and I find I've been playing with the site appearance almost as much as I have been spending on adding blogs, most of which are prompted by stupid user questions about something they don't understand or they've come across and now want to explore.

I modified the image popup handler too.

I've devised a number of my own class definitions too for use in the blogs. After careful consideration, I set up style sheet classes which can be used for multiple purposes in the blogs.

I have been slowly adding to the links listed to the left too. I'm certain there will be more to come in terms of site modifications and blogs, but there are such things as reality... ie. trying to figure out ways to keep the basics of life (food, shelter and medicine) in check. Paying exorbitant attorney fees monthly to thwart off perpetual harassment from a former employer have been sending me deeper and deeper into debt. This harassment cost me my job last year. I'm not begging but, if you have any OpenVMS or other computer system/software work, I'm available.


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